From graphical glitches, AI clipping through objects, unnatural facial expressions, and movements to application crashes. eFootball 2022 players have been experiencing many bugs and problems, hindering their experience for a while now.
So please, EA, read our posts on these topics and fix your game. Update 0.9.1 has arrived for eFootball 2022, and here’s the full list of changes and fixes added with this patch. The rewards in the Weekend League are also different from what we actually deserve. I mean, what's the point if we lose because of a glitch and the opponent is banned at some point? We still have the defeat. The problem is that EA only intervenes when it's already too late. After a long cross, pass, or dribble, the camera pans out a little to see the pitch. The new dual camera zooms in when a player has the ball. Glitches like this are really scum and ruin the whole weekend and the fun of the game. eFootball 2022 preview: some big changes and additions. Not only will you put together a great offensive starting lineup, but you will also build a good core of players that can increase their stats up to 30 levels or even more in training, which. TheEagleEye8 continues that he doesn't want to encourage anyone to exploit the glitch by this post, but only wants to create a platform to make EA aware of this problem. Best cheap players in eFootball 2022 - Quality/price With this compilation you can sign your whole squad in Dream Team for less than 500,000 GP. You can read the original Reddit post here. EA counts that as a disconnect and thus automatically a loss. As soon as the call goes through, the FIFA opponent is simply kicked to the main menu and out of the game. Then, when they failed to score a goal, they got a call from a friend. The opponents played FIFA via the smartphone hotspot on the console. TheEagleEye8 describes that he already had three opponents this week who exploited the glitch. Konami’s launch of the PES successor eFootball has got off to a predictably poor start, with the current Steam rating hovering at just 8. FIFA 22: This Is How The No Loss Glitch Works eFootball exactly the disaster everyone expected.